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4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Green Development in Tropical Region (IICGDTR)

  • International Interdisciplinary Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions

    20 July 2021 – 22 July 2021

    Since the early 21st century, conventional development strategies have been questioned by various development analysts, especially those concerned with issues and conflicts surrounding its environmental, human and socio-economic impacts. The debate on issues surrounding degradation of natural resources, forest, coastal, and agricultural land, along with understanding climate change, has led to the new proposition of the green development paradigm. The conceptual understanding of the green development paradigm is concerned with the strategy and planning of all aspects including environmental planning, rural and urban planning, regional development planning, agriculture and industrial development planning.

    The tropical region of Asia, covering South, Southeast, and part of East Asia, is a region with a large population, rich biodiversity, and also high growth.  More importantly, this is a culturally rich region. Tropical Region of Asia (TRA) is the most dynamic region and is in a constant effort to balance its development path. Much of the region’s economic growth is supported by the exploitation of common-pool natural resources, i.e., forest, land, water. Agriculture is still a dominant livelihood strategy with very slow technological adoption.  But the region also utilizes its ecosystem services for the tourism sector to diversify livelihood. Rural and urban development is still not balanced but instead is urban biased. Unfortunately, housing and settlement development in urban areas sometimes threatens agricultural land.

    The TRA faces climate change due to high use of fossil fuels for various economic sectors, including agriculture, transportation, tourism, energy, and industry. The region has begun to reorient its past development towards green development to mitigate the negative effect of climate change and social injustice. Green development is a multi-discipline effort and needs further synchronization and coordination to achieve its maximum effect. In addition, green development possesses several challenges at the governance level.

    Based on those rationales, the Graduate Program of Universitas Andalas has provoked the discussions of various aspects of green development, particularly in tropical regions. One of the forums for discussion is the biannual International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions (ICGDTR). This 2021 conference is the 4th interdisciplinary ICGDTR and will be held virtually with the theme “Governance Challenges of Green Development in Tropical Asia”. The main objective of this international conference is to enhance the discourse and discussion on various aspects of green development in tropical regions, especially on the issue of governance challenges of green development in tropical regions.


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    21 November 2022 – 23 November 2022