Abstract Template

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An abstract is written based on the format as follows:

The Title; Capitalize Initial Letter of Word, not More than Twenty Words (Calibri 16, bold)

Author1)*, Author2), Author3) ... (Calibri 12, bold) 

1)Affiliation, email: ….. (Calibri 12)

2)Affiliation, email: …(Calibri 12)

3)Affiliation, email: … (Calibri 12)

*E-mail: for the corresponding author (Calibri 11)

ABSTRACT (Calibri 12, bold)

     (Calibri 12, line spacing: single). An abstract briefly explains the salient aspects of the content. An abstract is written in English in one paragraph, complete, and concise (maximum 300 words). It contains background, aim(s), methods, result(s), and conclusion.

Keywords: Containing keywords to enhance online accessibility to an article (maximum 5 words) (Calibri 12, line spacing: single)

Please, choose and mention the appropriate sub-theme for your abstract (Place it after the keywords) as follows:

1. Natural Resources and Environmental Management

2. Sustainable Development Issues

3. Regional Development Issues

4. Disaster Resilience and Public Health

5. Biotech and Bio-Based Product Development