
Day 1: Wednesday, 7 July 2021




08.30 – 09.00



09.00 – 09.45

Keynote Speech:

Dr. Ir. M. Basuki Hadimuljono, M.Sc, (Minister of Public Work and Housing)

Chair: Prof. Melinda Noer

09.45 – 10.30

Photo Session + Break


10.30 – 12.30

Breakout rooms

Plenary I: Natural Resources and Environmental Management (3 invited speakers)

  1. Dr. Mubariq Ahmad (CSF Indonesia)
  2. Dr. Gede Sedana (Rector Dwijendra University)
  3. Prof. Yonariza (Universitas Andalas)

Chair: Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah


Plenary II: Asian Irrigation (6 invited speakers)

  1. Prof. Ganesh (Founder and Director of OCeAN)
  2. Prof. Helmi (Universitas Andalas)
  3. Dr. Juthathip (Chiang Mai University)
  4. Dr. Ram Chandra (Asian Institute of Technology)
  5. Dr. P. Viswaanathan (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapheetam University)
  6. Dr. Farhad (COMSATS University Islamabad)

Chair: Dr. Ifdal, M.Sc


Plenary III: Sustainable Energy Development (3 Invited Speakers)

  1. Dr. Nao Tanaka (Executive Director of APEX)
  2. Dr. Nuki Agya Utama (Executive Director of the ASEAN Center for Energy)
  3. Dr. Fadjar Goembira (Universitas Andalas)


Chair: Dr. Wilson Novarino

12.30 – 13.30



13.30 – 17.30

Breakout rooms

Parallel Sessions



Workshop on Structural Equation Modeling with Smart PLS


Day 2: Thursday, 8 July 2021 

08.30 – 09.15

Keynote Speech:

Prof. Juan Pulhin (Regional Coordinator IASC Asia)

Chair: Prof. Yonariza

09.15 – 10.00

Photo Session + Break


10.00 – 12.30

Breakout rooms

Plenary IV: Sustainable Development Issues: Sustainable Development Goals; Extension, Communication and Community Empowerment (3 Invited Speakers)

  1. Marissa Bell, Ph.D (Cornell University)
  2. Dr. Arifin Rudiyanto, M.Sc (Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, BAPPENAS)
  3. Prof. Rudi Febriamansyah (Universitas Andalas)
  4. Prof. Helmi (Universitas Andalas)

Chair: Hasnah, Ph.D


Plenary V: Sustainable Housing and Settlement (3 Invited Speakers)

  1. Prof. Erwin Van Der Kraben (Radboud University)
  2. Dr. Khalawi, M.Sc (Directorate General of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia)
  3. Prof. Izza Fadri (Ambassador of Indonesia for Myanmar)

Chair: Yosritzal, Ph.D


Plenary VI: Regional Development Issues (2 Invited Speakers)

  1. Prof. Zhang Nan (Chongqing University)
  2. Prof. Nursyirwan Effendi (Universitas Andalas)

Chair: Prof. Afrizal


Plenary VII: Disaster Resilience and Public Health (4 Invited Speakers)

  1. David Elijah Bell, Ph.D. MPH (Niagara University)
  2. Prof. Defriman Djafri (Universitas Andalas)
  3. Michael Fuller, MBE MBA MA F.ISRM - in confirmation (Chief of staff public health in England/ Project BUiLD Erasmus)
  4. Oktomi Wijaya, S.K.M, M.Sc (Coordinator of PRBK PSMPB,Ahmad Dahlan University)


Chair: Vonny Indah Mutiara, Ph.D


Plenary VIII: Biotech and Bio-Based Product Development


12.30 – 13.30



13.30 – 16.00

Breakout rooms

Parallel Sessions


16.00 – 17.00

